This book will take you through the important definitions in Statistics and teach you how to draw the different types of charts. It will also help you with your means, modes, medians and interquartile ranges.
Again, not a favourite for most people..but this book will teach you how to recognise the different parts to Probability. The Maths is straight forward but its the different topics that are confusing. This book will help take care of that.
This book provides a full list of the Theorems you need to be familiar with for the Leaving Cert. It also provides the Proofs you need, but most importantly will teach how to use your list of Theorems to answer questions.
Learn about the 2 different types of triangles you have to work with and a small number of rules for each type. This is one of the least favourite topics but you will be very surprised at how Algebra plays such a huge part.
This book will teach you how to combine the rules of Algebra and the Graph to answer questions on both the Line and the Circle topics. Learn how the Line rules are used when working on the Circle question. A straight forward topic when you know your rules.
Learn all about the different types of sequences you have to be familiar with, in particular the Linear and Quadratic Arithmetic sequences. Learn how to find the term rules for both and how to use the sum rule for a Linear sequence.
This book will teach you the concept of Complex Numbers and how to use the rules of Algebra to add, subtract, multiply and divide complex numbers. Also learn how to find properties, such as the conjugate and modulus.
In this book we will look at a set of rules you will use for Compound Interest, USC and Tax, Currency Conversion, Profit and Loss, and VAT. You will combine your knowledge of the 6 types of equations and your Percentages.
This book follows Book 3 in this series because so much of Calculus is centered around the Graph question. Learn how to find Maximum and Minimum points, Slopes of tangents, and how to do questions on Speed and Acceleration.
The Book will teach the concept of plotting Graphs and explain how a Graph can be used to show the relationship between different things. You will also see how important the 6 types of equations you learned in Book 1 and Book 2 now are.
Book 5 of the 5 essential Leaving Cert Ordinary Level books will teach you how to use Algebra to make one of the equations you learned in the first 4 books.
Book 4 of the 5 essential Ordinary Level Leaving Cert books will teach you how to recognise and solve the difference of 2 square and take something out of equations.
Book 3 of the 5 essential Ordinary Level Leaving Cert books will introduce you to the concept of factors and teach you how to solve quadratic equations using factors.
Book 2 of the 5 essential Ordinary Level Leaving Cert book will teach you how to recognise and solve both the standard and substitution simultaneous equations.
Book 1 of the 5 essential books for Ordinary Level Leaving Cert will teach you how to recognise and solve two of the most important equations, the Straight Line Equation and the Quadratic Equation.